Our Sourcing Story

How do we do this exactly?

We bring forgotten native crops back into the spotlight.

We sustainably source real ingredients.

We make sure we actively contribute to a regenerative economy.

We make sure our packaging is as environmentally conscious as possible through the use of sustainable products like glass, recycled carton and paper.

We actively push for fair trade practices that offer security to farmers.

We pore over our methods to make sure that every single ingredient that goes into creating our blends is all-natural. No preservatives, no fillers, no artificial additives - just food.

We keep our use of sugar to a minimum, opting for healthier unrefined sugars like jaggery and coconut sugar when we want to add a bit of sweetness.

We never use refined oils, ever. All our recipes are only made with cold-pressed oils.

We carefully regulate the amount of fats, sugars, and salts that go into our products to ensure our recipes are nutritionally sound.